All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for memory dump file formats.
Abstract class for a font selection dialog.
An abstract class that provides generic components to facilitate implementation of a MarsTool and/or stand-alone Mars-based application.
Abstract class that a MIPS syscall system service may extend.
Represents MIPS AddressErrorException.
Collection of globally-available data structures.
Class that represents the "ASCII text" memory dump format.
An Assembler is capable of assembling a MIPS program.
Private class to simultaneously track addresses in both user and kernel address spaces.
A log for keeping track of errors occurring during the assembly process, whether during tokenizing, parsing, or assembling.
Used to "step backward" through execution, undoing each instruction.
Class to represent a basic instruction in the MIPS instruction set.
Simulates the actual functionality of a Branch History Table (BHT).
Represents a single entry of the Branch History Table.
Represents the GUI of the BHT Simulator Tool.
A MARS tool for simulating branch prediction with a Branch History Table (BHT)
Some utility methods for working with binary representations.
Class that represents the "binary" memory dump format.
Class that represents the "binary text" memory dump format.
Bitmap display simulator.
Class representing a persistent boolean setting and its current value.
A data cache simulator for simulating and illustrating data cache performance.
Dinky little custom button class to modify border based on whether enabled or not.
Class representing a persistent color setting and its current value.
Special text area used by MessagesPane to imitate console input/output.
Represents Coprocessor 0.
Sets up a window to display registers in the UI.
Represents Coprocessor 1, the Floating Point Unit (FPU)
Sets up a window to display Coprocessor 1 registers in the Registers pane of the UI.
Represents the Data Segment window, which is a type of JInternalFrame.
The default input handler.
Didier Teifreto LIFC Université de franche-Comté
Class representing MIPS assembler directives.
Interface for memory dump file formats.
This class provides functionality to bring external memory dump format definitions into MARS.
An extension of JTabbedPane which makes tabs closable and able to be rearranged by the user.
Action for the Edit -> Comment Selected Lines menu item.
Action for the Edit -> Copy menu item.
Action for the Edit -> Cut menu item.
Action for the Edit -> Find/Replace menu item.
Manage the file being edited.
Specialized Font class designed to be used by both the settings menu methods and the Settings class.
Enumeration of the available font styles in the editor.
Action for the Edit -> Paste menu item.
Action for the Edit -> Redo menu item.
Action for the Edit -> Select All menu item.
The "Edit" tab in the main tabbed pane, which is itself a tabbed pane.
Action for the Edit -> Undo menu item.
An enumeration of the different "endianness" states.
Represents the cause of an exception or interrupt that occurs during execution.
The "Execute" tab in the main tabbed pane, which contains execution-related windows.
Representation of an extended instruction, also known as a pseudo-instruction.
Action for the File -> Close menu item.
Action for the File -> Close All menu item.
File drop handler that registers drop listeners onto a component and changes the component's borders when dragging files over it.
Listener for files dropped.
Action for the File -> Dump Memory menu item.
Represents one file opened for editing.
Action for the File -> Exit menu item.
Utility class to perform necessary file-related search operations.
Action for the File -> New menu item.
Action for the File -> Open menu item.
Action for the File -> Print menu item.
Action for the File -> Save menu item.
Action for the File -> Save All menu item.
Action for the File -> Save As menu item.
Used to store and return information on the status of the current ASM file that is being edited in the program.
Tool to help students learn about the IEEE-754 representation of 32-bit floating point values.
Abstract class for a font selection dialog.
Class representing a persistent font setting and its current value.
HardcopyWriter class from the book "Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition" by David Flanagan.
This is the exception class that the HardcopyWriter constructor throws when the user clicks "Cancel" in the print dialog box.
Action for the Help -> About menu item.
Action for the Help -> Help menu item.
Action for the Help -> Check for Updates menu item.
Class that represents the "hexadecimal text" memory dump format.
An input handler converts the user's key strokes into concrete actions.
Macro recorder.
If an action implements this interface, it should not be recorded by the macro recorder.
If an action implements this interface, it should not be repeated.
For use by EditAction.Wrapper only.
Base class to represent member of MIPS instruction set.
Instruction counter tool.
These are the MIPS-defined formats of basic machine instructions.
The list of Instruction objects, each of which represents a MIPS instruction.
A MARS tool for obtaining instruction statistics by instruction category.
Class representing a persistent integer setting and its current value.
Intel's Hex memory initialization format
The "hello world" of MarsTools!
Represents attempt to access double precision register using an odd (e.g.
Adaptor subclass for JEditTextArea.
jEdit's text area component.
Keyboard and Display Simulator.
A KeywordMap is similar to a hashtable in that it maps keys to values.
Represents occurrence of an error detected during tokenizing, assembly or simulation.
Stores information about a macro definition for use by MacroHandler.
A class used by the Preprocessor to handle macro definition, lookup, and expansion.
Creates the tabbed areas in the UI and also creates the internal windows that exist in them.
Launcher for the MARS application, both command line and GUI.
Specifies capabilities that any text editor used in MARS must have.
Interface for any tool that interacts with an executing MIPS program.
Representation of MIPS memory.
Class representing an arbitrary contiguous region of memory which contains data.
Interface representing a listener of memory read/write operations.
Class representing an arbitrary contiguous region of memory which contains text.
Models the memory configuration for the simulated MIPS machine.
Models the collection of MIPS memory configurations.
Memory reference visualization.
Creates the message window at the bottom of the UI.
Used by the MIDI syscalls to play MIDI notes on demand.
The Memory Initialization File (.mif) VHDL-supported file format This is documented for the Altera platform at
MIPS token marker.
Use to select base for displaying numbers.
Provides utility method related to MIPS operand formats.
Handy little class to contain help information for a popupMenu or tool tip item.
This will display the Settings popup menu upon right-click.
Represents the collection of MIPS registers.
Sets up a window to display registers in the UI.
Enumeration to indicate the status of the current program (which may involve more than one file).
This small class serves only to hold a static HashMap for storing random number generators for use by all the random number generator services.
Abstraction to represent a register of a MIPS Assembler.
Contains tabbed areas in the UI to display register contents.
JTable subclass to provide custom tool tips for each of the register table column headers and for each register name in the first column.
RepeatButton is a JButton which contains a timer for firing events while the button is held down.
Action for the Run -> Assemble menu item.
Action for the Run -> Assemble Folder menu item.
Action for the Run -> Clear Breakpoints menu item.
Action for the Run -> Pause menu item.
Action for the Run -> Reset menu item.
Class for the Run speed slider control.
Action for the Run -> Start menu item.
Action for the Run -> Step Backward menu item.
Action for the Run -> Step Forward menu item.
Action for the Run -> Stop menu item.
Action for the Run -> Toggle Breakpoints menu item.
Dump MIPS memory contents in Segment Window format.
Contains various IDE settings.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control number base (10 or 16) of memory addresses.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control automatic assemble of file upon opening.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control delayed branching.
Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether memory should use a big-endian or little-endian representation.
Action class for the Settings menu item for optionally loading a MIPS exception handler.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control use of extended (pseudo) instructions or formats.
Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control display of Labels window (symbol table).
Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control use of popup dialog for input syscalls.
Action for the Settings -> Preferences menu item.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not program arguments can be entered and used.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether the running MIPS program can write to the text segment or branch to the data segment.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not assembler warnings are considered errors.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control number base (10 or 16) of memory/register contents.
Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not assembler warnings are considered errors.
Use this to render Monospaced and right-aligned data in JTables.
Functional interface providing a method for simulating the execution of a specific MIPS basic instruction.
Used to simulate the execution of an assembled MIPS program.
Class to represent error that occurs while assembling or running a MIPS program.
Event for when the simulator stops execution of a program due to termination or finishing.
Enumeration of reasons for why the simulator might finish or terminate.
This interface is used to detect simulator events.
Event for when the simulator stops execution of a program due to pausing.
Enumeration of reasons for why the simulator might pause.
Event for when the simulator begins execution of a program.
Thread subclass to perform MIPS simulation in the background.
Handy class to represent, for a given line of source code, the code itself, the program containing it, and its line number within that program.
Class representing some location in a source file given to the assembler.
Produces MARS splash screen.
Class representing a persistent string setting and its current value.
An icon whose image is in the Scalable Vector Graphics format.
Represents a MIPS program identifier to be stored in the symbol table.
A symbol table used by the assembler to map symbols to the corresponding addresses.
Represents the symbol table window, which is a type of JInternalFrame.
A document implementation that can be tokenized by the syntax highlighting system.
A simple text style class.
Class representing a persistent syntax style setting and its current value.
Class with several utility functions used by jEdit's syntax colorizing subsystem.
Interface for any MIPS syscall system service.
Service to close file descriptor given in $a0.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to exit the MIPS program.
Service to exit the MIPS program with return value given in $a0.
Service to input data.
Service to input data.
Service to input data.
Service to input data.
This class provides functionality to bring external Syscall definitions into MARS.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to display a message to user.
Service to output simulated MIDI tone to sound card.
Service to output simulated MIDI tone to sound card.
Service to open file name specified by $a0.
Service to display character stored in $a0 on the console.
Service to display double whose bits are stored in $f12 and $f13 onto the console.
Service to display on the console float whose bits are stored in $f12
Service to display integer stored in $a0 on the console.
Service to display integer stored in $a0 on the console.
Service to display integer stored in $a0 on the console.
Service to display integer stored in $a0 on the console as unsigned decimal.
Service to print the last file operation message.
Service to display string stored starting at address in $a0 onto the console.
Service to return a random floating point value.
Service to return a random floating point value.
Service to return a random integer.
Service to return a random integer in a specified range.
Service to set seed for the underlying Java pseudorandom number generator.
Service to read from file descriptor given in $a0.
Service to read a character from input console into $a0.
Service to read the bits of console input double into $f0 and $f1.
Service to read the bits of input float into $f0
Service to read an integer from input console into $v0.
Service to read console input string into buffer starting at address in $a0.
Service to allocate amount of heap memory specified in $a0, putting address into $v0.
Service to seek position of file descriptor given in $a0.
Service to cause the MARS Java thread to sleep for (at least) the specified number of milliseconds.
Service to read a character from input console into $a0.
Service to write to file descriptor given in $a0.
Provides standard input/output services needed to simulate the MIPS syscall routines.
Virtual representation of a file for the file-related syscalls to use.
Enumeration of locations whence to seek from in a file.
Encapsulates default settings for a text area.
The text area repaint manager.
Highlight interface.
Creates the Text Segment window in the Execute tab of the UI.
Class with several utility functions used by the text area component.
Represents one token in the input MIPS program.
A linked list of tokens.
A tokenizer is capable of tokenizing a complete MIPS program, or a given line from a MIPS program.
A token marker that splits lines of text into tokens.
Inner class for storing information about tokenized lines.
Enumeration to identify the types of tokens found in MIPS programs.
Connects a MarsTool class (class that implements MarsTool interface) to the Mars menu system by supplying the response to that tool's menu item selection.
This class provides functionality to bring external MARS tools into the MARS system by adding them to its Tools menu.
Parent class for Action subclasses representing every menu/toolbar option.
Top level container for the Venus GUI.