Class HexTextDumpFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HexTextDumpFormat extends AbstractDumpFormat
Class that represents the "hexadecimal text" memory dump format. The output is a text file with one word of MIPS memory per line. The word is formatted using hexadecimal characters, e.g. 3F205A39.
December 2007
Pete Sanderson
  • Constructor Details

    • HexTextDumpFormat

      public HexTextDumpFormat()
      Constructor. There is no standard file extension for this format.
  • Method Details

    • dumpMemoryRange

      public void dumpMemoryRange(File file, int firstAddress, int lastAddress) throws AddressErrorException, IOException
      Write MIPS memory contents in hexadecimal text format. Each line of text contains one memory word written in hexadecimal characters. Written using PrintStream's println() method. Adapted by Pete Sanderson from code written by Greg Gibeling.
      Specified by:
      dumpMemoryRange in interface DumpFormat
      Specified by:
      dumpMemoryRange in class AbstractDumpFormat
      file - File in which to store MIPS memory contents.
      firstAddress - first (lowest) memory address to dump. In bytes but must be on word boundary.
      lastAddress - last (highest) memory address to dump. In bytes but must be on word boundary. Will dump the word that starts at this address.
      AddressErrorException - if firstAddress is invalid or not on a word boundary.
      IOException - if error occurs during file output.