Class SyntaxUtilities


public class SyntaxUtilities extends Object
Class with several utility functions used by jEdit's syntax colorizing subsystem.
$Id:,v 1.9 1999/12/13 03:40:30 sp Exp $
Slava Pestov
  • Method Details

    • regionMatches

      public static boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, Segment text, int offset, String match)
      Checks if a subregion of a Segment is equal to a string.
      ignoreCase - True if case should be ignored, false otherwise
      text - The segment
      offset - The offset into the segment
      match - The string to match
    • regionMatches

      public static boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, Segment text, int offset, char[] match)
      Checks if a subregion of a Segment is equal to a character array.
      ignoreCase - True if case should be ignored, false otherwise
      text - The segment
      offset - The offset into the segment
      match - The character array to match
    • getDefaultSyntaxStyle

      public static SyntaxStyle getDefaultSyntaxStyle()
      Returns the default style table. This can be passed to the setStyles() method of SyntaxDocument to use the default syntax styles.
    • getCurrentSyntaxStyles

      public static SyntaxStyle[] getCurrentSyntaxStyles(Settings settings)
      Returns the CURRENT style table. This can be passed to the setStyles() method of SyntaxDocument to use the current syntax styles. If changes have been made via the Settings menu, the current settings will not be the same as the default settings.
    • paintSyntaxLine

      public static float paintSyntaxLine(Segment line, Token tokens, SyntaxStyle[] styles, TabExpander expander, Graphics graphics, float x, float y)
      Paints the specified line onto the graphics context. Note that this method modifies the offset and count values of the segment.
      line - The line segment.
      tokens - The token list for the line.
      styles - The syntax style list.
      expander - The tab expander used to determine tab stops. May be null.
      graphics - The graphics context.
      x - The x coordinate.
      y - The y coordinate.
      The x coordinate, plus the width of the painted string.