Class Memory.TextRegion

Enclosing class:

public static class Memory.TextRegion extends Object
Class representing an arbitrary contiguous region of memory which contains text.

This uses a very similar structure to Memory.DataRegion. The primary difference is that DataRegion contains raw memory words at the innermost level, whereas this contains references to BasicStatement objects instead. While less space-efficient, it is much more time-efficient for the Simulator as it reads the code in the text segment. (Especially since the current code to construct a BasicStatement from its binary data isn't too great, which is certainly on the to-do list to improve.)

  • Constructor Details

    • TextRegion

      public TextRegion(int firstAddress, int lastAddress)
      Allocate a new region of memory containing text.
      firstAddress - The lowest address this region is required to contain.
      lastAddress - The highest address this region is required to contain.
  • Method Details

    • storeStatement

      public BasicStatement storeStatement(int address, BasicStatement statement)
      Store a statement in the region at a given address. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the address is word-aligned and falls within this region, as no checking will be done.
      address - The address to store the statement at.
      statement - The statement to store at the given address.
      The previous statement which was overwritten (defaults to null).
    • fetchStatement

      public BasicStatement fetchStatement(int address)
      Fetch a statement from the region at a given address. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the address is word-aligned and falls within this region, as no checking will be done.
      address - The address of the statement to fetch.
      The statement stored at the given address (defaults to null).