Class MIPSTokenMarker


public class MIPSTokenMarker extends TokenMarker
MIPS token marker.
Pete Sanderson (2010) and Slava Pestov (1999)
  • Constructor Details

    • MIPSTokenMarker

      public MIPSTokenMarker()
  • Method Details

    • getTokenDescriptions

      public static String[] getTokenDescriptions()
    • getTokenExamples

      public static String[] getTokenExamples()
    • markTokensImpl

      public byte markTokensImpl(byte token, Segment line, int lineIndex)
      Description copied from class: TokenMarker
      An abstract method that splits a line up into tokens. It should parse the line, and call TokenMarker.addToken(int, byte) to add syntax tokens to the token list. Then, it should return the initial token type for the next line.

      For example, if the current line contains the start of a multiline comment that doesn't end on that line, this method should return the comment token type so that it continues on the next line.

      Specified by:
      markTokensImpl in class TokenMarker
      token - The initial token type for this line
      line - The line to be tokenized
      lineIndex - The index of the line in the document, starting at 0
      The initial token type for the next line
    • getTokenExactMatchHelp

      public ArrayList<PopupHelpItem> getTokenExactMatchHelp(Token token, String tokenText)
      Construct and return any appropriate help information for the given token.
      getTokenExactMatchHelp in class TokenMarker
      token - the pertinent Token object
      tokenText - the source String that matched to the token
      ArrayList of PopupHelpItem objects, one per match.
    • getTokenPrefixMatchHelp

      public ArrayList<PopupHelpItem> getTokenPrefixMatchHelp(String line, Token tokenList, Token token, String tokenText)
      Construct and return any appropriate help information for prefix match based on current line's token list.
      getTokenPrefixMatchHelp in class TokenMarker
      line - String containing current line
      tokenList - first Token on current line (head of linked list)
      token - the pertinent Token object
      tokenText - the source String that matched to the token in previous parameter
      ArrayList of PopupHelpItem objects, one per match.
    • getKeywords

      public static KeywordMap getKeywords()
      Get KeywordMap containing all MIPS key words. This includes all instruction mnemonics, assembler directives, and register names.
      KeywordMap where key is the keyword and associated value is the token type (e.g. Token.KEYWORD1).