Class AssemblerLog


public class AssemblerLog extends Object
A log for keeping track of errors occurring during the assembly process, whether during tokenizing, parsing, or assembling. While simply throwing an AssemblyError would be a valid way to report errors, using this log allows multiple LogMessages with varying LogLevels to be recorded in a single pass.

The original version of this class, written by Pete Sanderson, was called ErrorList.

Pete Sanderson, August 2003; Sean Clarke, October 2024
  • Constructor Details

    • AssemblerLog

      public AssemblerLog()
      Create a new, empty AssemblerLog.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear all messages from the log.
    • getMessages

      public List<LogMessage> getMessages()
      Get the list of all logged messages, regardless of level, in chronological order.
      The list of logged messages.
    • getMessageCount

      public int getMessageCount()
      Count the total number of logged messages, regardless of level.
      The number of messages.
    • getMessageCount

      public int getMessageCount(LogLevel level)
      Count the number of logged messages with a given level.
      level - The level used to filter messages.
      The number of messages whose level is level.
    • hasMessages

      public boolean hasMessages(LogLevel level)
      Determine whether at least one message has been logged with a given level. This method is equivalent to the expression getMessageCount(level) > 0.
      level - The level used to filter messages.
      true if at least one message has been logged with level level, or false if no such messages have been logged.
    • getMaxErrorCount

      public int getMaxErrorCount()
      Get the maximum number of errors which can be produced by a single assembler run.
      The maximum number of messages with level LogLevel.ERROR that can be logged.
    • setMaxErrorCount

      public void setMaxErrorCount(int maxErrorCount)
      Set the maximum number of errors which can be produced by a single assembler run.
      maxErrorCount - The maximum number of messages with level LogLevel.ERROR that can be logged.
    • hasExceededMaxErrorCount

      public boolean hasExceededMaxErrorCount()
      Determine whether the current number of errors logged exceeds the maximum error count, indicating that the assembler should exit as soon as possible.
      true if the error count exceeds the maxiumm, or false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setOutput

      public void setOutput(Consumer<LogMessage> output)
    • log

      public void log(LogMessage message)
      Log a message for the current assembler run. After this call, the newly logged message is considered to be the last message in chronological order.
      message - The message to log
    • log

      public void log(LogLevel level, SourceLocation location, String content)
    • logInfo

      public void logInfo(SourceLocation location, String content)
    • logWarning

      public void logWarning(SourceLocation location, String content)
    • logError

      public void logError(SourceLocation location, String content)