Package mars.settings

Class SyntaxStyleSetting


public class SyntaxStyleSetting extends Object
Class representing a persistent syntax style setting and its current value.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Get the key used to identify this setting in Preferences.
      The string key for this setting.
    • get

      public SyntaxStyle get()
      Get the value currently stored in this setting.
      The syntax style value for this setting.
    • set

      public void set(SyntaxStyle value)
      Set the value of this setting, updating persistent storage.
      value - The new syntax style value for this setting.
    • getDefault

      public SyntaxStyle getDefault()
      Get the theme default value for this setting.
      The theme default syntax style value for this setting.
    • getOrDefault

      public SyntaxStyle getOrDefault()
      Get the value currently stored in this setting if it is not null, or the theme default returned by getDefault() otherwise.
      The syntax style value for this setting, or the theme default if not set.
    • setNonPersistent

      public void setNonPersistent(SyntaxStyle value)
      Set the value of this setting without updating persistent storage.
      value - The new syntax style value for this setting.
    • encode

      public static String encode(SyntaxStyle style)
      Encode a SyntaxStyle object as a string of attributes separated by commas:
      • Color=RGB: Specifies the color as an integer RGB.
      • Bold: Will be present if the bold style flag is set.
      • Italic: Will be present if the italic style flag is set.
      style - The syntax style to encode as a string.
      The encoded form of the given syntax style, or null if the style is null.
      See Also:
    • decode

      public static SyntaxStyle decode(String string)
      Decode a SyntaxStyle object from a string of attributes separated by commas:
      • Color=RGB: Sets the color to integer RGB. If not present, defaults to null.
      • Bold: If present, sets the bold style flag.
      • Italic: If present, sets the italic style flag.
      string - The string to decode as a syntax style.
      The syntax style decoded from the given string, or null if string is null.
      See Also: