Package mars

Class MarsLauncher


public class MarsLauncher extends Object
Launcher for the MARS application, both command line and GUI.
December 2009
Pete Sanderson
  • Constructor Details

    • MarsLauncher

      public MarsLauncher(String[] args)
      Launch an instance of MARS Red with the given command-line arguments. If no arguments are specified, the application will launch in GUI mode.

      Usage: Mars [options] filename

      Valid options (not case sensitive, separate by spaces) are:

      • a -- Assemble only, do not simulate.
      • ae<n> -- Terminate MARS with integer exit code n if an assemble error occurs.
      • ascii -- Display memory or register contents interpreted as ASCII.
      • b -- Brief; do not display register/memory address along with contents.
      • d -- Print debugging statements.
      • da, ad -- Both a and d.
      • db -- Enable delayed branching.
      • dec -- Display memory or register contents in decimal.
      • dump <segment> <format> <file> -- Dump memory contents to file. Supports an address range (see <m>-<n> below). Current supported segments are .text and .data. Current supported dump formats are Binary, HexText, BinaryText.
      • h -- Display help. Use by itself and with no filename.
      • hex -- Display memory or register contents in hexadecimal (default).
      • ic -- Display count of MIPS basic instructions 'executed'.
      • mc <config> -- Set memory configuration, where config is Default for the MARS default 32-bit address space, CompactDataAtZero for a 32KB address space with data segment at address 0, or CompactTextAtZero for a 32KB address space with text segment at address 0.
      • me -- Display MARS messages to standard error instead of standard output. Can separate via redirection.
      • nc -- Do not display copyright notice (for cleaner redirected/piped output).
      • np, ne -- No extended instructions (pseudo-instructions) allowed.
      • p -- Project mode; assemble all files in the same directory as given file.
      • se<n> -- Terminate MARS with integer exit code n if a simulation error occurs.
      • sm -- Start execution at main. Execution will start at program statement globally labeled main.
      • smc -- Allow self-modifying code. If enabled, the program can write and branch to either text or data segment.
      • we -- Assembler warnings will be considered errors.
      • <n> -- Set the step limit, where n is the maximum number of steps to simulate. If 0, negative or not specified, no step limit will be applied.
      • <reg> -- Display register contents after simulation, where reg is the number or name (e.g. $5, $t3, $f10) of a register. May be repeated to specify multiple registers. The $ is not required, except for register numbers such as $5.
      • <m>-<n> -- Display memory address range from m (inclusive) to n (exclusive) after simulation, where m and n may be hex or decimal, mn, and both must lie on a word boundary. May be repeated to specify multiple memory address ranges.
      • pa -- Specify program arguments separated by spaces. This option must be the last one specified since everything that follows it is interpreted as a program argument to be made available to the MIPS program at runtime.
      args - Command line arguments.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Launch MARS Red as a standalone executable with the given command-line arguments. If no arguments are specified, the application will launch in GUI mode.
      args - Command line arguments.
      See Also: