Interface SimulatorListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Coprocessor0Tab, Coprocessor1Tab, DataSegmentWindow, MessagesPane, ProcessorTab, RegistersDisplayTab, RegistersPane, TextSegmentWindow, VenusUI

public interface SimulatorListener extends EventListener
This interface is used to detect simulator events. It can be implemented and attached to the Simulator via Simulator.addGUIListener(SimulatorListener) or Simulator.addThreadListener(SimulatorListener).

Note: which method above is used to add the listener will determine which thread the callbacks run on.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Called when the simulator stops execution of a program due to termination or finishing.
    default void
    Called when the simulator stops execution of a program due to pausing.
    default void
    Called when the simulator begins execution of a program.
    default void
    Called when the simulator has finished executing an instruction, but only if the run speed is not unlimited.
  • Method Details

    • simulatorStarted

      default void simulatorStarted(SimulatorStartEvent event)
      Called when the simulator begins execution of a program.
      event - The event which occurred.
    • simulatorPaused

      default void simulatorPaused(SimulatorPauseEvent event)
      Called when the simulator stops execution of a program due to pausing.
      event - The event which occurred.
    • simulatorFinished

      default void simulatorFinished(SimulatorFinishEvent event)
      Called when the simulator stops execution of a program due to termination or finishing.
      event - The event which occurred.
    • simulatorStepped

      default void simulatorStepped()
      Called when the simulator has finished executing an instruction, but only if the run speed is not unlimited.

      Note: For very fast run speeds, GUI listeners may not receive all step events. This is an intentional feature to prevent overloading of the GUI event queue.