Package mars.simulator
package mars.simulator
ClassDescriptionUsed to "step backward" through execution, undoing each instruction.Represents the cause of an exception or interrupt that occurs during execution.Used to simulate the execution of an assembled MIPS program.Class to represent error that occurs while assembling or running a MIPS program.Event for when the simulator stops execution of a program due to termination or finishing.Enumeration of reasons for why the simulator might finish or terminate.This interface is used to detect simulator events.Event for when the simulator stops execution of a program due to pausing.Enumeration of reasons for why the simulator might pause.Event for when the simulator begins execution of a program.
subclass to perform MIPS simulation in the background.Provides standard input/output services needed to simulate the MIPS syscall routines.Virtual representation of a file for the file-related syscalls to use.Enumeration of locations whence to seek from in a file.