Package mars.venus.actions.settings
package mars.venus.actions.settings
ClassesClassDescriptionAction class for the Settings menu item to control number base (10 or 16) of memory addresses.Action class for the Settings menu item to control automatic assemble of file upon opening.Action class for the Settings menu item to control delayed branching.Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether memory should use a big-endian or little-endian representation.Action class for the Settings menu item for optionally loading a MIPS exception handler.Action class for the Settings menu item to control use of extended (pseudo) instructions or formats.Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.Action class for the Settings menu item to control display of Labels window (symbol table).Action class for the Settings menu item for text editor settings.Action class for the Settings menu item to control use of popup dialog for input syscalls.Action for the Settings -> Preferences menu item.Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not program arguments can be entered and used.Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether the running MIPS program can write to the text segment or branch to the data segment.Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not assembler warnings are considered errors.Action class for the Settings menu item to control number base (10 or 16) of memory/register contents.Action class for the Settings menu item to control whether or not assembler warnings are considered errors.